venerdì 17 marzo 2006

The Index is out

E quando esce l'indice, si parla dell'indice.

Percentage of U.S. conservatives who report having experienced déjà vu: 63

Percentage of liberals who do: 74

Percentage of Americans who say that fighting terrorism should be one of the nation’s top two priorities: 6

Average percentage by which U.S. senators’ investments outperform the stock market each year: 12

Number of dominoes that a wayward sparrow toppled just before a Dutch world-record attempt in November: 23,000

Hours later that the sparrow was executed: 1.5

Price for a vibrator that plugs into an iPod and “stimulates you in time with your favorite music”: £29.99 99[LoveHoney U.K. (Bath, England)]

Year that a Hindu nationalist party in India rechristened Valentine’s Day “Prostitution Day”: 2005[Shiv Sena (New Delhi)]

Harper's Index for February 2006

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