giovedì 22 marzo 2007

Bong Hits 4 Whom?


Quando andavo a scuola io ad Atlanta in questo casermone qui stavamo tutto il giorno con le luci al neon perché per risparmiare non avevano fatto le finestre, e se sgarravi ti davano "detention": mezz'ora in più da solo in classe dopo le lezioni.

Dico, la Corte Suprema non poteva venire a salvare noi? Se l'avessi saputo, mi sarei messo anch'io a scrivere cartelli idioti.

"The WaPo urges the Supreme Court to reaffirm students' right to free speech in the "Bong Hits 4 Jesus" case that is currently in front of the Court, arguing that the justices "should ensure that administrators cannot define a school's basic educational mission so broadly" that "they have the power to suppress any meaningful speech with which they, or their school boards, disagree" ... USA Today agrees, arguing that "the line around protected speech is appropriately wide, even when it's subversive or sophomoric."

The washington Post on the "Bong Hits 4 Jesus" case, 22 March 2007

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