giovedì 16 aprile 2020

Nobody ever notices such things

Da qualche decennio mi accompagna il ricordo del furto di una palla, ad opera di Dean Moriarty, che se ne uscì tranquillo dal negozio facendola rimbalzare sul palmo della mano, perché nessuno si accorge mai di queste cose.

Il momento migliore per fuggire senza dar nell'occhio è verso mezzogiorno, e la memoria è una cosa meravigliosa.

"Nothing happened that night; we went to sleep. Everything happened the next day. In the afternoon Dean and I went to downtown Denver for our various chores and to see the travel bureau for a car to New York. On the way home in the late afternoon we started out for Okie Frankie's, up Broadway, where Dean suddenly sauntered into a sports goods store, calmly picked up a softball on the counter, and came out, popping it up and down in his palm. Nobody noticed; nobody ever notices such things. It was a drowsy, hot afternoon. We played catch as we went along. "We'll get a travel-bureau car for sure tomorrow."

Jack Kerouak, On The Road.

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