Fu il secondo test a risposte multiple della mia vita. Il primo era un test di quoziente d'inteligenza per permettermi di farmi studiare i frigoriferi in modo autonomo. Non avevo capito che ci si doveva sbrigare, non terminai il test, risultai intelligente come uno scimpanzè.
"As a new wave of high school students prepares to take the SAT exam Saturday, officials are scrambling to correct recently disclosed grading flaws that have spurred fresh criticism of the test.
The problems, which marred 5,000 SAT tests in October, have given students, parents and admissions officials yet another reason for anxiety over the pivotal college entrance exams. Some 375,000 students, including 54,600 in California, are signed up for Saturday's SAT."
Fixes for SAT's Bubble Trouble Face a Test, Stuart Silverstein and Rebecca Trounson, The Los Angeles Times, 31 marzo 2006